Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Lincoln County Code Red is asking residents and others with property in Lincoln County to please go to their website and sign up to be notified by your local emergency response team in the event of emergency situations or critical community alerts. Examples include: evacuation notices, bio-terrorism alerts, boil water notices, and missing child reports.
Please go to www.lincolncountynm.gov and click on the Code Red Banner to enter/update your information.

We have another busy week at the library. 

Wednesday, June 10 
   - Superhero stories and craft for Preschoolers, ages 2-5, 10:30am, Children’s Department
   - Read to a Dog, all ages, 1-3pm, Children’s Department 

Thursday, June 11 
- Onomatopoeia Writing Workshop, ages 10 and older, 1:30pm, Children’s Department
- Read to a Dog, all ages, 1-3pm, Children’s Department

Friday, June 12
-  Fire Department Jr Firefighting Academy, ages 6 and older, 1 to 3pm, Children’s Department

Saturday, June 13
- Lincoln County Garden Club Annual Plant Sale, 8am to noon, in front of library
- Outlaws Along the Rio Grande, presentation by Paul Harden, 11am, Upstairs

Monday, June 15
- Hero CD Mobile Craft, ages 6 and older, 10:30am, Children’s Department 

Tuesday, June 16
- Super Snax creation, ages 10 and older, 10:30am, Children’s Department
Garmin and Company Service Dog Presentation, all ages, 1:30pm, Children’s Department

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